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Tips for Theming Your Children's Church Space | Wacky World Studios

Written by Wacky World Studios | Jun 7, 2024 1:28:53 PM

Creating a vibrant, engaging, and spiritually enriching environment for children's church can significantly enhance their experience and participation.  A well-themed space can make learning about faith fun and memorable.  Here are some comprehensive tips and tricks for theming your children's church space effectively.

Course Syllabus

   Setting the Stage for Spiritual Growth
1. Understanding the Importance of Theming
2. Choosing a Theme
     - Popular Biblical Themes
     - Considering Non-Biblical Themes
3. Designing the Space
     - Layout Planning
     - Color Schemes
     - Decorations and Props
4. DIY Decorations vs. Store-Bought
     - Budget Considerations
     - Customization and Personal Touch
     - Contracting Professional Theming Companies
5. Interactive Elements
     - Play Areas
     - Learning Stations
6. Incorporating Faith Elements
     - Biblical Stories and Characters
     - Symbolic Decor
7. Safety and Accessibility
     - Child-Safe Materials
     - Inclusive Design
8. Theming for Different Age Groups
     - Babies
     - Toddlers
     - Preschool
     - Early Elementary
     - Older Elementary
9. Encouraging Volunteer Involvement
10. Maintaining the Theme
     - Regular Updates
     - Involving the Kids
Creating a Lasting Impact
Final Exam

Setting the Stage for Spiritual Growth

When children step into their church space, they should feel welcomed, excited, and curious.  Theming your children's church space goes beyond simple decoration; it's about creating an environment that sparks joy and spiritual growth.  A well-chosen theme can capture the imaginations of children, making them eager to return and learn more about their faith.

1. Understanding the importance of Theming

Theming is a strategic tool that goes beyond interior design.  While interior design focuses on aesthetics and functionality, theming adds a layer of narrative and interaction that can significantly enhance the educational and spiritual experiences of children.  Here's why theming is so important: 

Enhances Learning

A well-themed environment can make abstract Biblical concepts tangible.  Visual and tactile elements help children understand and remember stories and lessons better.  For example, a creation-themed room can illustrate the seven days of creation with murals and interactive displays, reinforcing the story each time children see it.

Creates a Welcoming Atmosphere

Themed spaces can make children feel more comfortable and excited to attend church.  A fun and inviting environment can reduce anxiety and help children transition more smoothly from home to church, making it a place they look forward to visiting.

Encourages Engagement

Interactive and visually stimulating environments capture children's attention and encourage active participation.  Engaging themes can motivate children to get involved in activities, listen to stories, and participate in discussions.  This engagement is crucial for their spiritual growth and understanding.

Builds a Sense of Community

A themed environment can foster a sense of belonging and community among children.  When children feel comfortable in their surroundings, they are more likely to form friendships and build positive relationships with peers and leaders.  This sense of community is foundational to their spiritual and social development.

Supports Different Learning Styles

Children learn in various ways--some are visual learners, others learn best through touch, movement, or auditory means.  A well-themed space can incorporate elements that cater to different learning styles, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to connect with the material in a way that suits them best.

Reinforces Values and Lessons

Consistent visual and thematic elements can reinforce the values and lessons taught in children's church.  Themes that align with the curriculum help to continually remind children of the principles they are learning, embedding these values more deeply into their daily lives.

2. Choosing a Theme

Popular Biblical Themes

  • Bible Heroes: Focus on characters like David, Moses, and Esther.  These themes can teach courage, faith, and leadership.  For instance, a David and Goliath theme can include a life-sized Goliath figure that children can "defeat" with soft, safe stones, emphasizing the power of faith and bravery.
  • Creation: Highlight the beauty and wonder of God's creation.  This theme can include elements of nature, animals, and the universe.  Use interactive elements like a mini garden where children can plant seeds and learn about God's creation.
  • Noah's Ark: Use animals and the ark to teach about obedience and God's promises.  This theme is particularly engaging for younger children.  Consider a storytelling area inside a large ark replica, where children can listen to the story of Noah and other Bible lessons.
  • Journey with Jesus: Focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.  Create scenes from His life, such as the nativity, His miracles, and the resurrection.  This theme can be highly educational and deeply spiritual, teaching children about Jesus' love and His role as the Savior.

Considering Non-Biblical Themes

Non-Biblical themes can also be effective, especially when they are used to create a welcoming and engaging environment that makes children excited to attend church.  Examples include:

  • Outer Space: Explore themes of discovery, adventure, and the vastness of God's creation.  Incorporate star projectors, rocket ship play areas, and astronaut costumes.  Teach children about the creation of the universe and the wonder of God's work.
  • Under the Sea: Use vibrant underwater scenes to create a playful and relaxing environment.  Add interactive elements like a "submarine" reading nook, fish tanks, and underwater murals.  Use this theme to talk about the wonders of God's creation in the ocean.
  • Jungle Adventures: Create an adventurous atmosphere with lush greenery and animals, teaching about the wonders of God's world.  Build treehouse structures, swing ropes, and jungle animal cutouts.  Discuss how God cares for all His creatures in the jungle.

These themes can be tied back to Biblical lessons and principles, providing a creative way to engage children with faith-based teachings through familiar and exciting concepts.  However, whichever theme is chosen, it's important to remember that lessons do not always have to tie into the theme.  Children will love simply being in the space and will be receptive to any lesson that is taught.

3. Designing the Space

Layout Planning

Start by planning the layout of your space.  Ensure there are areas for group activities, quiet reading, and interactive play.  The layout should facilitate movement and engagement without feeling cluttered.  Consider how different areas can be used for various activities, such as a storytelling corner, craft tables, and a play area.  Use dividers or furniture to create distinct zones within the space, ensuring that each area serves a specific purpose.  If your ministry is large enough to have a group presentation or stage area, think about how the theme can be incorporated into that space through the use of larger scale backdrops and 2D and 3D props.

Color Schemes

Colors can significantly impact the mood of the space.  Bright, cheerful colors can create a lively atmosphere, while softer hues can be calming.  Use colors that align with your chosen theme and make the space inviting.  For instance, a jungle theme might use greens and browns, while an outer space theme could incorporate dark blue and bright stars.  Consider the psychological impact of colors--bright yellows and oranges can energize children, while blues and greens can have a calming effect.

Decorations and Props

Incorporate decorations that bring your theme to life.  Props like faux trees, animal figures, or Bible character cutouts can make the environment immersive.  Use wall murals, banners, and ceiling hangings to maximize the visual impact.  Themed check-in areas and signage to aid in wayfinding help to enhance to overall experience.  For a Noah's ark theme, consider large cutouts of the ark and animals, while a space theme might include hanging planets and stars.  Interactive props, such as a treehouse for a jungle theme or a spaceship for an outer space theme, can enhance the experience.

4. DIY Decorations vs. Store-Bought

Budget Considerations

DIY decorations can be cost-effective and offer a personalized touch. Involve volunteers and parents in creating decorations. However, store-bought items can save time and provide a polished look. Balance your budget by mixing DIY elements with purchased items to get the best of both worlds. DIY projects can also be a fun group activity, fostering community and involvement within the church.

Customization and Personal Touch

DIY projects allow for customization to fit your specific theme and space. Personalized touches can make the space feel unique and special for the children. Handmade decorations, such as painted murals or crafted props, can add a sense of ownership and pride for those involved in the creation process. Customizing decorations ensures that they align perfectly with your theme and can be tailored to fit the exact dimensions and needs of your space.

Contracting Professional Theming Companies

If your budget allows, consider hiring a professional theming company like Wacky World Studios. These companies specialize in creating immersive environments and can provide high-quality, durable decorations tailored to your specific theme. Professional theming can save time and ensure a cohesive, polished look that might be difficult to achieve on your own. They can also provide innovative ideas and solutions that you might not have considered, enhancing the overall impact of your themed space.

5. Interactive Elements

Play Areas

Create designated play areas where children can engage in themed activities. This can include play structures, dress-up corners, or themed games that relate to biblical stories. Play areas help children to learn through play, reinforcing the lessons in a fun and engaging way. Consider incorporating interactive elements such as a storytelling stage or a puppet theater where children can perform stories they’ve learned.

Learning Stations

Set up learning stations that encourage hands-on activities. These can be craft tables, story circles, or interactive displays that allow children to explore the theme further. For example, a creation-themed station could include a sensory bin with different textures representing various parts of creation. Learning stations can be rotated regularly to keep the experience fresh and engaging for the children. They can also include technology, such as tablets with interactive Bible apps, to enhance learning.

6. Incorporating Faith Elements

Biblical Stories and Characters

Use your theme to highlight biblical stories and characters. For example, a Noah's Ark theme can feature murals of the ark and animals, while also teaching about God’s covenant. Each theme can focus on different biblical lessons, making the stories come to life in a tangible way. Incorporate interactive storytelling methods, such as using puppets or live actors, to make the stories more engaging.

Symbolic Decor

Incorporate symbols such as crosses, doves, and fish to subtly reinforce faith messages. These elements can be integrated into the overall decor to maintain a spiritual focus. For example, a creation theme might include subtle representations of the seven days of creation. Symbolic decor can also be used to create focal points within the space, such as a cross on the wall or a dove mobile hanging from the ceiling.

7. Safety and Accessibility

Child-Safe Materials

Ensure all decorations and props are made from child-safe materials. Avoid small parts that could be choking hazards and ensure everything is securely attached to prevent accidents. Safety should always be a top priority when designing any space for children. Use non-toxic paints, soft edges, and secure fixtures to create a safe environment.

Inclusive Design

Design your space to be inclusive and accessible to all children, including those with disabilities. This includes having wide pathways, sensory-friendly areas, and materials that cater to different learning needs. An inclusive environment ensures that every child can participate and feel welcome. Consider elements such as ramps for wheelchairs, sensory play areas for children with autism, and visual aids for children with visual impairments.

8. Theming for Different Age Groups


For babies, the theme should be soft, soothing, and visually stimulating without being overwhelming. Use gentle colors like pastels and incorporate soft textures. Simple decorations such as clouds, stars, or animals can create a calming environment. Ensure that the space is safe with padded floors and baby-friendly furniture. Incorporate a comfortable area for nursing mothers and provide age-appropriate toys that encourage sensory exploration.


Toddlers are curious and energetic, so a theme that encourages exploration and movement is ideal. Use bright colors and interactive elements. Themes like Noah’s Ark with plush animals or a farm theme with soft, movable pieces can engage toddlers. Ensure that the decorations are durable and easy to clean, as toddlers tend to be hands-on. Provide plenty of space for activities like crawling, walking, and simple games.


Preschoolers enjoy storytelling and imaginative play. Themes like Bible Heroes, Creation, or Jungle Adventure work well for this age group. Create areas where children can engage in dramatic play, such as a dress-up corner or a puppet theater. Incorporate interactive storyboards and sensory tables that align with the theme. Use vibrant colors and fun props to keep preschoolers engaged and excited about learning.

Early Elementary

Children in early elementary school enjoy themes that offer a mix of learning and play. Themes like Outer Space, Under the Sea, or Biblical Heroes can captivate their interest. Include learning stations with hands-on activities, interactive displays, and reading nooks. Use educational posters and themed games to reinforce biblical lessons. Incorporate technology, such as tablets with educational apps, to enhance the learning experience.

Older Elementary

Older elementary children appreciate more sophisticated and detailed themes. Consider themes that involve problem-solving and creativity, such as Biblical Detectives or a Holy Land Adventure. Create areas for group discussions, art projects, and interactive lessons. Use detailed decorations and props that encourage deeper engagement with the biblical stories. Provide materials for creative projects, such as building models or creating storyboards.

9. Encouraging Volunteer Involvement

Building a Volunteer Team

Engaging volunteers is essential for creating and maintaining a themed children's church space. Start by identifying potential volunteers within your church community. Look for individuals who have a passion for working with children, artistic skills, or experience in education or design. Create a team with a variety of skills and strengths to ensure a well-rounded approach to theming.

Training and Support

Provide training and support for your volunteer team. This can include workshops on child safety, creative decorating techniques, and effective communication with children. Ensure that volunteers feel equipped and confident in their roles. Regular team meetings can help to coordinate efforts, share ideas, and provide ongoing support.

Delegating Tasks

Effectively delegate tasks to your volunteer team. Assign roles based on individual strengths and interests. For example, someone with artistic skills might handle mural painting, while someone with a knack for organization could manage the setup of learning stations. Clear task delegation helps to ensure that all aspects of the theming project are covered and that volunteers feel valued and involved.

Recognizing and Appreciating Volunteers

Regularly recognize and appreciate the efforts of your volunteers. Public recognition, thank-you notes, and small tokens of appreciation can go a long way in making volunteers feel valued. Consider holding an appreciation event or a special ceremony to honor the contributions of your volunteer team.

10. Maintaining the Theme

Regular Updates

Keep the space fresh and engaging by regularly updating the theme. This could be seasonally or in line with the church calendar. Small changes can make a big difference in keeping the children interested. For example, update the decor for Christmas, Easter, and other significant times in the church year. Regularly refreshing the theme helps to maintain the excitement and interest of the children, making the space feel new and inviting.

Involving the Kids

Get the children involved in maintaining and updating the theme. This could include helping with decorations, suggesting new themes, or participating in theme-related activities. Involving children in the process can give them a sense of ownership and pride in their church space. This involvement can also be educational, teaching them about responsibility and the importance of contributing to their community.

Creating a Lasting Impact

Theming your children's church space is a powerful way to create an engaging, welcoming, and spiritually enriching environment. By carefully planning and incorporating creative elements, you can make the space a place where children are excited to learn about their faith. Whether you choose DIY decorations, store-bought items, or professional theming services, the goal is to create an environment that reflects the love and joy of the gospel, making it a memorable and impactful part of their spiritual journey.

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