Theming for Churches 100: Creating Engaging Children's Spaces in Churches

Spiritually enriching and engaging children's church spaces are within your reach with these design and theming tips.

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Bonus Content: Case Study

Learn how Crosspointe Church partnered with Wacky World Studios to grow attendance by creating immersive interior environments.


Fun Stuff: Free Bible Coloring Pages!

Bring Bible lessons to life with our fun coloring pages! Featuring scenes and characters from ancient times, they're perfect for sparking creativity and learning.

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Current and Future Courses for Churches and Ministry

Finish ten courses of your choosing to complete your Major!  

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  • Theming for Churches 200: Including Biblical Principles and Learning in Themed Church Spaces
  • Innovations in Play 200: The Future of Play - Incorporating Trends and Technology into Themes
  • Practical Applications 200: DIY Theming Tips and Tricks for Small Budgets
  • Design Principles 200: Psychology in Themed Design
  • Theming for Parks and Rec 200: Themed Design for Playgrounds
  • Inclusion and Accessibility 200: Immersive Theming and Dramatic Play
  • Theming for Churches 201: Themes That Inspire - VBS and Beyond
  • Design Principles 201: Interior Design vs. Immersive Theming
  • Design Principles 202: Form and Function
  • Theming for Churches 300: Creating Multi-Purpose Themed Environments in Churches
  • Parks & Rec 300: Innovative Indoor Playgrounds - A New Era for Community Parks
  • Inclusion & Accessibility 300: Incorporating Music, Sound, and Other Multi-Sensory Features
  • Design Principles 300: Lighting in Immersive Theming
  • Practical Applications 300: Maintenance and Longevity of Themed Environments
  • Innovation in Play 300: Integrating Digital and Physical Play Elements
  • Theming for Churches 301: Sunday School Redefined - Inspiring Learning Spaces for Children
  • Theming for Parks & Rec 301: Bringing Theming Outdoors - Landscaping and Beyond
  • Design Principles 301: Storytelling - Crafting a Narrative for Your Themed Space
  • Inclusion & Accessibility 301: Utilizing Artwork and Visual Supports for Inclusivity
  • Theming for Churches 302: Innovative Church Spaces for Engaging Youth Programs
  • Inclusion & Accessibility 302: The Importance of Active and Passive Play Settings
  • Theming for Churches 400: The Role of Environment in Enhancing Church Community Engagement
  • Practical Applications 400: The Concept Phase - Discovering Your Vision
  • Design Principles 400: Navigating Your Space - Thinking About Wayfinding
  • Inclusion & Accessibility 400: Designing for Accessibility
  • Practical Applications 401: Value Engineering
  • Design Principles 401: Tell Us Who You Are - Branding and Logo Design
  • Practical Applications 402: Building Success - Managing Construction and Renovation Projects
  • Practical Applications 403: Thinking Long-Term About Your Project

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Quick Links to Current Courses for Churches & Ministry


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