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West Chicago Park District

West Chicago Park District

Chicago, IL

Escape to the Treetops!

Live out a thrilling adventure at Treetop Escape! Ride the various slides, play with the sensory devices and scamper about the treehouses in this jungle fantasy themed environment. There is even a waterfall and flowing river to spark your imagination.

Giant sculpted 3D snake atop a Treehouse at West chicago Park District ARC center.
Animated Waterfall and River plus Treehouses and slides at West Chicago Park District Treetop Escape at the ARC Center
Treetop Escape sign at West Chicago Park District's Treetop Escape at the ARC Center
Image features shipwreck check-in desk, waterfall and treehouse with slides at West Chicago Parks District ARC Center
West Chicago Park District Treetop Escape themed environment featuring an animated river and waterfall, 3D Sculpted giant tree with treehouse and slides.
Image of Waterfall with Giant Treehouse and Slides feature at West Chicago Parks District ARC Center
3D Sculpted Tiger and Treehouses at West Chicago Park District's Treetop Escape at the ARC Center

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